John Wang
Yestar Aesthetic Medical
Chairman of Supervisory Board & GM of Investment (Former)
Hospital Mgmt
Medical Device
Years of experience:
John Wang is a highly experienced professional with an impressive track record spanning over 40 years in the medical beauty and healthcare industry. Based in Shanghai, China, his career highlights include:
General Manager of the Investment Development Center and Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Yestar Aesthetic Medical Group (艺星医美). Here, he played a pivotal role in overseeing the growth and development of the Yestar group and actively contributed to its successful IPO preparation in 2018.
Vice President and General Manager at Neusoft Xikang Healthcare Technology, a subsidiary of Neusoft Corporation (东软 600718.SH).
General Manager at Shanghai Peace Eye Hospital (上海和平眼科医院).
Vice President of Operations and General Manager of the Zhejiang Branch at iKang Healthcare Group (爱康国宾).
General Manager of the Shanghai Branch at Venus International Plastic Surgery Group (维纳斯国际医疗美容).
Mr. Wang's early career, from 1983 to 2009, was primarily focused on the Chinese ophthalmic device market, providing him with in-depth expertise in this sector. He possesses a profound understanding of the domestic ophthalmic device market, physical checkup operations, and the aesthetic plastic surgery industry. John Wang continues to be a valuable and influential figure in the medical beauty and healthcare field.